
Who We Are—Human Beings

Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations is a registered nonprofit organization founded in July 2009 to address and meet the needs of the seemingly forgotten and overlooked children and Elders in “Indian Country.”

Poverty and despair have been ongoing issues for decades and are presently at or below third world conditions.

Most homes lack running water and working sewage.

Propane is the only source of heat, and most Elders have no means to obtain it.

The immediate goal of Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations is to provide

“Warmth”(propane, blankets, clothing, diapers, hygiene products etc.)

to North American Native’s of all Nations in severe poverty.

This is Emergency response.

There are Elders and children in dire need of assistance now.

Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations;

Operates under the jurisdiction of a covenant with Creation.

Through the Traditional Ceremonies, Teachings, and Guidance of our Elders, we understand it is time to make a difference in the lives of the Nation’s First People. We have partnered with Indian Child Welfare (ICW) and Indian Health Services (IHS) representatives to provide much needed “warmth” to many of the ICW and IHS programs.

We have also launched a partnership with domestic violence programs that need assistance getting “warmth” to people who must be removed from their homes for safety purposes, often these individuals have only the clothes on their back.

 Goodthinking 4 All Our Relations staff is comprised solely of volunteers, with all donations and funding going directly to the Elders and children in need.

We deliver clothing, blankets, shoes and personal hygiene products to those most in need to advance quality of life while promoting social dignity through relief of existing conditions caused by poverty and distress.

When people are fighting merely to survive

there is not time for them to think of ways in which to thrive.

Some of our Executive Board of Directors